While the statistics surrounding suicide among veterans varies from source to source, it is no question that veterans suffer silently everyday. One study showed that on average, 22 veterans commit suicide each day. This translates to roughly one every 65 minutes.
The army focuses mostly on training militia while on active duty. However, the military’s adverse effects are rarely addressed, with very few rehabilitation services for veterans suffering from PTSD. Serving your country is an extremely noble act. But with very little emphasis on crippling mental health in the industry, it can often lead to tragic veteran suicide.
What can you do to help yourself, or those you love, who may have served in the military and may be feeling the weight of its effect?
It may feel like you are alone, lost, or simply hopeless. But with the proper care, suicide is absolutely preventable. Check out a few suggestions below for helpful information on bettering your mental health as a retired veteran.
Admit Your Mental Health
The first step in taking control of your mental health state is to admit that you need help in the first place. It may be hard to pinpoint what exactly is affecting you, and that is okay. There are resources available to help you recognize the trauma you faced, and point you in the right direction for help. Talking through your complicated thoughts and feelings to a family member or close friend will allow you to take one step closer to bettering your overall well-being.
Look to Your Local Coffee Shop
Veteran owned coffee shops are popping up in every major city. They are often designed to allow veterans to come together over a cup of coffee, establish a like-minded community in their city, and talk through past trauma they have experienced. It helps immensely when you find another person to connect with that may have gone through something very similar. The first step in the process is knowing and understanding that you are not alone.
Know Your Benefits
There are countless resources available to veterans suffering from various mental health disorders. According to va.gov, over 1.7 million veterans received mental health services from VA alone. Their goal is to help you take control of your mental health and live a full and meaningful life.
Added benefits are often extended to veterans who have served. This could include subsidized or free health care, facilities dedicated to bettering the mental health of veterans only, and highly accessible resources such as online counseling.
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